
AMI has a comprehensive, independent solution for laser tracker evaluation, utilizing NIST’s new Interim Field Test Procedure IR-80161. We can provide a set of traceable measurements designed to verify volumetric performance in your environment. The result is a colorized graphical analysis that quickly shows the overall health of your Laser Tracker. All makes and models of Laser Trackers can be evaluated.

Comprehensive Testing

Traditional laser tracker field checks often consist of 2-face (front sight/back sight) tests or short reference bar measurements. While these have value, they don’t exercise the tracker sufficiently to evaluate performance over a larger working volume. That’s why NIST designed a volumetric test to assess the total health of a tracker in the field. A number of measurements are taken on a 2.3-meter bar in various orientations, strategically located to fully exercise both the ranging and angular measurement components of a tracker.

The test is quick and easy to run, occupies a small footprint, and provides the ultimate confidence in laser tracker performance… right on the job.

The role of interim field testing is to evaluate instrument performance and identify errors in conditions of actual use. It answers the question, “How is my tracker performing right now?” Results from interim field testing can be used as a required check in the quality audit trail, to confirm instrument performance prior to critical measurements, and to track instrument performance over time.

Objective, Traceable Results

Many companies own laser trackers from different manufacturers, all of which have built-in, firmware-specific field checks requiring operators to be fluent in various test methodologies. AMI can consolidate these device-specific processes into one system check for any laser tracker.

The operator follows a simple script to capture test points using the metrology software of choice along with AMI’s calibrated 2.3-meter artifact in multiple positions. The data is transferred to our software, where it is analyzed and presented in a colorized graphical plot comparing the tracker’s actual performance against the manufacturer’s Maximum Permissible Error (MPE). Now there’s one field test which objectively qualifies the performance of any tracker using a NIST traceable process.

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